We’ve been in Canterbury, Kent, for the last couple of days and despite Chopin being very under the weather we’ve had two great performances of Backstage in Biscuit Land at the Marlowe Theatre, both to full houses.
I’ve not been to Canterbury before although I feel very close to the place – it’s where my parents went to college, met, fell in love and lived for a while before moving to London and having me.
It’s a beautiful place and today, as Leftwing Idiot and I explored, it was bathed in sunlight. A few moments ago my tics took inspiration from both the place and the weather, and here’s what they came up with:
“One sunny day in Canterbury Van Morrison rioted in the street.”
“One sunny day in Canterbury the clouds contemplated grass.”
“One sunny day in Canterbury Ben Nevis woke up from a slumber.”
“One sunny day in Canterbury the city walls sang to an oak tree.”
“One sunny day in Canterbury the smile of a mouse was louder the smile of a bee.”
“One sunny day in Canterbury everybody looked up.”
Tomorrow we leave for Darlington. I’ve never been there either and I’m excited to visit another new place. Fingers crossed the sun will come with us.