Joyce has been supporting me for around seven years now. She started as an agency carer but when that agency stopped supporting people in my area, she came to work for me directly.
Joyce is amazing – she’s patient, thoughtful, kind, funny, and an excellent cook. She fills the castle with laughter in the most beautiful way.
Joyce loves to watch Jamaican prank shows on YouTube. She often listens to them in one ear while she’s working, keeping the other ear firmly out for me. Right now, she’s sweeping the hall and laughing hysterically, popping in periodically to explain the pranks to me, and laughing so hard she can’t get her words out.
I’m telling you about this because so often Social Care is portrayed as clinical and solemn, but it can also be joyful, and relaxed.
For me good social care sounds like laughter, hummed hymns, and loud conversations with the cat.
My heart is full of love for Joyce, and for all the other amazing people who not only make it possible for me to live in the castle, but also make it feel like home.